Newsletter - M.M.C - Misr Measurement & control Co.

MMC core message

At MMC, we believe in transparency and are committed to sharing every success and milestone that we achieve with our valued community. We are thrilled to report on our progress, from expanding our team to launching new products and services, to receiving industry recognition.

But at MMC, we understand that success is not only measured by business achievements. We are also passionate about giving back to our community. We believe that it is our responsibility to touch the lives of those around us, and to make a positive impact wherever we can.

In the past few months, we have been involved in several charitable initiatives that have been aimed at improving the lives of the less fortunate in our community. We have partnered with various organizations to provide food, clothing, and more,. These initiatives have been very rewarding for us, and we are grateful to have had the opportunity to make a positive impact.

we believe that sports play an important role in building a strong and healthy community. That’s why we’re proud to have sponsored Atef Ali Ashmawy, a talented athlete, for a full year.

Atef Ali Ashmawy is a dedicated and passionate athlete who has been working tirelessly to achieve his goals. We recognized his hard work and commitment to sports and decided to lend a helping hand to support his journey.

we are passionate about making a positive impact in our community. We believe that it is our responsibility to give back and support those in need. That is why we are proud to announce our continued participation in the Misr Al-Kheir Foundation’s campaign (إفطار صائم ) and ) (سكن ودفا, We believe that every act of kindness, no matter how small, can make a big difference. By working together with the Misr Al-Kheir Foundation, we can help make a positive impact in our community and create a brighter future for all.

The “Iftar Sa’em” campaign is an annual tradition that provides meals to underprivileged families during the holy month of Ramadan. We are thrilled to be part of this campaign and to support the 25th of January Hospital Foundation which is a reputable organization that has been providing essential support to the community for many years

we were thrilled to see the smiles on the children’s faces ,as we worked closely with the Lions NGO to organize this event, which was aimed at bringing joy and happiness to underprivileged children. We provided essential resources and support to ensure the success of the event

Khier Zaman campaign, a well-known initiative that provides meals and essential supplies to underprivileged families during Ramadan, is not only being supported by our company MMC, but also by our dedicated employees.

A distinguished and accomplished professional, Reem Mansour as a new member of the board of directors at MMC.
As part of our ongoing commitment to empowering women and diversifying our board’s professional and specialized skills, Reem’s appointment is a significant milestone that will enhance our decision-making efficiency and further our vision and strategy in the legal markets we operate in.
Reem’s wealth of experience and expertise in her field will complement our efforts to expand our services and continue providing innovative and comprehensive solutions to our clients. We are proud to have her on board and are confident that her contributions will lead to further growth and success for MMC.

Committed to making a positive impact in society and giving back to those in need, we are honored to have received a great honor from Dr. Ali Gomaa and Misr El Khier Foundation.
This recognition is a testament to our ongoing efforts to support charitable initiatives and give back to our community through various initiatives. We are proud to be a socially responsible company that is dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of those around us.

We are excited to have you as a part of this journey towards innovation and excellence in the metal industry. Stay tuned for more updates from MMC .